Kenneth P - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma"Interesting topic and in depth discussion of the issues." |
Moriah P - Vassalboro, Maine"The clips from the actual trial, it made the presentation more interesting and easier to follow" |
Douglas C - Albuquerque, New Mexico"It was an interesting deep dive into ethical questions surrounding juries. Not a common CLE topic." |
Elizabeth P - Albuquerque, NM"Use of recent news events to discuss subject matter " |
Marcy B - Albuquerque, New Mexico"interesting information and timely" |
Victoria M - Prineville, Oregon"Utilizing the clips from the various hearings helped reinforce the issues presented, and also kept the seminar engaging." |
Mary Ellen W - Cape Elizabeth, Maine"This was fascinating to hear about an aspect of a highly publicized case that was not known to me - the behavior of an experienced clerk was appalling and it would be interesting to know what if any consequences she has had - how unfortunate that this will likely lead to a new trial." |
Jennifer S - Readfield, Maine"the topic and presentation" |
Julie S - Santa Fe, New Mexico"seeing the live testimony" |
Jennifer M - Uniontown, Pennsylvania"Real life examples and clips to go with it " |