
Rachel S - Portland, Oregon

"Interesting and digestible material - really liked the stories he used. "

Scott M - Portland, Oregon

"Interesting and informative topice"

Debrea T - Denver, Colorado

"Examples, stories about his own wife. "

Nathan M - Albuquerque, New Mexico

"I liked the realistic and practical view regarding women in our profession and the emphasis that it's on everyone to make sure everyone in our profession is treated equally. "

Stewart F - EL PASO, TX

"How naive i am about gender bias"

Patrick M - Rio Rancho, New Mexico

"Well organized, straightforward, clear presentation. Good demonstrative videos and aids."

Mariah G - Bar harbor, Maine

"historical info"

Robyn N - Vanderwagen, New Mexico


Mathew T - Cape Elizabeth, Maine

"Good information. "

Nicholas G - Gorham, Maine

"The amount of research and statistics that were presented"