Rachel S - Portland, Oregon"Interesting and digestible material - really liked the stories he used. " |
Scott M - Portland, Oregon"Interesting and informative topice" |
Debrea T - Denver, Colorado"Examples, stories about his own wife. " |
Nathan M - Albuquerque, New Mexico"I liked the realistic and practical view regarding women in our profession and the emphasis that it's on everyone to make sure everyone in our profession is treated equally. " |
Stewart F - EL PASO, TX"How naive i am about gender bias" |
Patrick M - Rio Rancho, New Mexico"Well organized, straightforward, clear presentation. Good demonstrative videos and aids." |
Mariah G - Bar harbor, Maine"historical info" |
Robyn N - Vanderwagen, New Mexico"videos" |
Mathew T - Cape Elizabeth, Maine"Good information. " |
Nicholas G - Gorham, Maine"The amount of research and statistics that were presented" |